Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Design 23

The online platform HOMEPLANSINDIA has helped me to showcases all my designs at this point of time. All the designs have been worked through by me over a period of 2 years. I had the passion to work on them for quite some time, but didn't new the right way to take them further. Few were left in  my tracing book, few were in loose paper which my staff kept it in there drawers. After a long time, I gathered my interest and energy along with the support from my husband who is also an architect to complete it. Other than him, 4 other staff members supported me to get this idea done for real.

So here we are with all our thought, efforts and concern to design & build homes which are economical, aesthetically appealing, spacious and livable for any family. The idea of this platform has always remained the same from the day one I conceived it, i.e. to provide good, neat and simple drawings so that any local labour /contractor can decipher the drawings on there own to build the house in any small / big city of our country with least intervention from an architect.

Since I am through with my saga, I am attaching the animated video of two of my designs.

If you like it then do leave a comment for us. (Supportive one's....ha...ha...ha..)

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